Logic Express 9 Serial Number S

2020. 2. 29. 19:14카테고리 없음

I was trying to update Logic 9.0.0 to 9.1.1 which worked out fine. I then tried to update further to 9.1.8. It worked, but it asked for the serial number. Well I bought my 2007 mac pro tower with Logic 9.0.0 installed, thus I do not have the serial number. So I called Apple. Eventually I agreed to purchase Logic X but I had to update my OS to 10.8.6. Well the 2007 Mac Pro will not update to Mountain Lion.

  1. Express Logic Microsoft

Express Logic Microsoft

Thus no Mountain Lion, no Logic X and hence no Logic Studio.So I am looking for alternative ways to open my current version.Furthermore, I have a serial number for Logic 9.2.0 from my laptop but that serial number does not work.Can anyone help? How do I get around this issue? I have 4yrs of mucis on my computer. Thanks in advance.